Haggis etext 

Etexts within this website present user problems - no return is possible.  It's best to save the page you were reading in the main gastronomy site, at least, in your Favourites/Bookmark etc provision before proceeding.

The format of etexts on this website means that one cannot extract pieces for subsequent use.  If the original document were posted onto a webpage here, it would run as an immensely long 'kitchen roll 'without page numbers.  The inclusion of extracts makes it easier for the user.   Rather than paste extracts and chapters from the book as they are, the paragraphs have been separated for easier copying and pasting by those who want to extract their own material, comment on it etc. 

If you would like more text, you only need to make contact via the side panel.

Preamble  http://www.gastronomyafharrison.co.uk/page92.php

Preface  http://www.gastronomyafharrison.co.uk/page93.php

The extracts start with hospitality here http://www.gastronomyafharrison.co.uk/page306.php

And more "meaty" extracts such as "pork"begin  here http://www.gastronomyafharrison.co.uk/page271.php

The chapters start here http://www.gastronomyafharrison.co.uk/page12.php

Using etexts explained here http://www.gastronomyafharrison.co.uk/page266.php

The Book - etext http://www.avrf23.dsl.pipex.com/The%20Haggis%20TYPESET%2016%20feb-2.pdf

Bibliography http://www.gastronomyafharrison.co.uk/page20.php